have to emphasize that what is written here is purely MY OPINION and
should not be used as an alternative to advice from a medical
This is what I am doing
to mitigate the chance that I might get one of these diseases.
to mitigate the chance that I might get one of these diseases.
According to this video on The Bredesen Protocol, there is now SCIENCE supporting the nutritional and lifestyle advice that functional/restorative medicine doctors have been advocating FOR YEARS!
If you aren't familiar with the terms, functional and restorative doctors don't treat symptoms, they look for the cause and work to eliminate it. They make their money by curing you. Here's a cartoon from one of my favorite restorative doctors, Dr. Peter D'Adamo:
I reviewed The Bredesen Protocol HERE.
Bredesen explains that the amyloid plaque characteristic of Alzheimer's is your body's way of protecting you from the three main causes of the disease. You can 'get' Alzheimer's from one or more of these conditions:
1. inflammation/glycotoxicity (glucose/insulin imbalance),
2. endocrine problems, and
3. toxins/infections.
In order to design a treatment plan, multiple lab tests are done to determine your current levels of the markers for these conditions.
Using the results of the tests, they design a program to first normalize and then OPTIMIZE your health. .
If you read my review of The Bredesen Protocol you know that I think his program is incomplete.
I believe that heavy metal toxicity can contribute to both options (1) and (2) above, AND I believe that all of us have excess heavy metals because we cannot avoid them so *I* am going to address that part of the trifecta first.
Here's what *I* plan to do:
I have a SWAMI, which is a personalized genotype diet plan that helps eliminate the food lectins that are problematic for my genotype. (If you don't have one, you should! )
I had had all my amalgam tooth fillings removed years ago. (If you still have even one have them removed by a mercury-safe dentist. You are flooding your body with mercury every time you chew!)
FIRST, I'm having my genome decoded by Ancestry.com
SECOND, I will send the Ancestry.com results to Opus 23 (Opus 23 cannot use the results generated by 23AndMe)
If I have any MTHFR snps Opus23 will recommend ways to overcome them. One of the things the MTHFR genes control are methylation pathways - the body's toxin removal processes - and these MUST be working properly before I start detoxing.THIRD, once I know my methylation pathways are working, start detoxing using the products and protocols described in this Klinghardt video and this Klinghardt pdf.
I could order blood tests to determine which metals I need to detox; but, according to Dr. Klinghardt, we ALL have heavy metal toxicity because they are everywhere, and it's hard to test for them because your body sequesters them so they may not show up in blood, urine, or hair analyses. I assume I have them and need to get rid of them.
Press HERE for part one - WHY I NEED TO DETOX
Press HERE for part two - HOW TO DETOX - the preliminary steps.
Press HERE for part three - HOW TO DETOX - mobilizing toxins.
Press HERE for part four - HOW TO DETOX - other considerations.
FOURTH: Once I have eliminated heavy metals and other toxins, like glyphosate, inflammation and endocrine problem should resolve themselves. AT this point, I will order the lab tests recommended by Dr. Bredesen and will work to optimize the results. I will need to find a functional/restorative doctor to help with this, preferably a Klinghardt practitioner.
(If you follow the Bredesen Protocol diet, make sure you also follow the lectin advice that both SWAMI and Opus23 provide.)
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